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Welcome to the 2025 NICA Business Expo
& Fare Foods Food Show

Join us February 10-12, 2025 at the beautiful Sheraton Tampa Brandon Hotel, located at 10221 Princess Palm Ave. Tampa, FL,
for the 2025 NICA Business Expo and Fare Foods Food Show.
This year’s theme is “Shining Bright!” The NICA Business Expo
will provide Educational Sessions, Workshops, Networking, and Discussion Groups that cover the issues and the daily challenges
our Industry is faced with each season.
The Fare Foods Food Show will run Monday and Tuesday from
5 - 9 PM and will feature exhibitors showcasing the latest food trends and technology that will define and kickstart the 2025 Fair Season.
Stay tuned to NICA and Fare Foods communications via email
and text for important registration announcements and programing information, coming soon!
See you in Tampa!
2025 Schedule of Events*
Monday, February 10th
Monday Educational Workshops Sponsored by Meester Mike's of
Coral Gables, Super Dog, Vinnie's Fine Foods & Wells Concessions
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM: Onsite Registration (Lobby)
9:30 – 10:30 AM: Keynote – Transition & Succession Planning Essentials (Palm Room)
Speaker: Courtny Hinds, CCE, CFE, Wyoming State Fair General Manager
In the dynamic realm of fairs, event companies, vendors and associations, where roles range from full-time professionals to dedicated volunteers, effective succession planning is not just a strategy; it's a necessity! Join our session on succession planning essentials to navigate the complexities of succession planning for the diverse roles within your organization. She will discuss the role of mentorship programs in facilitating this transfer of knowledge, emphasizing how experienced professionals can guide newcomers, thereby protecting the heritage and ensuring the longevity of the organization. After this session you will be inspired to incorporate planning to leave your organization better than you found it! Be prepared to navigate turnover challenges and lead your organization towards a future defined by smooth transitions, lasting legacies, and enduring success.
10:45 – 11:45 AM: Commercial Exhibits Enhance the Guest Experience (Palm Room)
Moderator: Dan Lusenhop, Jeanne's Artichokes and NICA Past President
Panelists: Ryan Rickey, Rickey’s Jerky; James Romer, CFE, Iowa State Fair; and Pam Simon, CFE, Minnesota State Fair
Fairs and vendors are being forced to rethink how they manage shopping programs. During this session you will hear from professionals within the Industry who have successfully developed new formulas for attracting customers and securing hesitant retail vendors. Hear how approaching new and different business partnerships will allow for better guest experiences, new marketing opportunities, longer length of stay, and greater customer satisfaction.
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM: "What’s On Your Mind?" Roundtable Discussions Over Lunch (Included) Sponsored by The Best Around (Palm Room)
Moderator: Jessica Gottsche, NICA Staff
Topics: Managing Lines, Food Stand Designs, Preventing Theft, Enhancing the Guest Experience, Forms of Payment, and Campground Standards. Join us for two sessions to maximize the conversation!
1:15 – 2:15 PM: Sales Tax – To Charge It or Not? (Palm Room)
Moderator: Kathy Ross, CCE, Ross Concessions and NICA Past President
Panelists: Lenny Freund, Freund Family Foods; Vinnie Nelson, CCE, Vinnie's Fine Foods and NICA Past President; and Daryl Whicheloe, CCE, Southern Oregon Food and Beverage and NICA Past President
Inflation and the rising cost of doing business is forcing us to think outside the box and question the “way we have always done it.” For generations, throughout our industry, in food operations, sales tax has been included on the published menu. However, should we keep doing this? Is what works for one, the same as what works for another?
2:30 – 3:30 PM: Profits in the Cup (Palm Room)
Moderator: Sandy Class, CCE, Tavern at the Park and NICA Past President
Panelists: Jody Conklin, Moose Juice; Tim Gartzka, Eastern States Exposition; Greg Miller, CCE, Miller & Company and NICA Past President; and Stacey Pitroff-Barona, CCE, Giant Ride and NICA Director
Soda, lemonade, agua fresca, refill cups, mocktails, frozen, blended, alcoholic offerings…there is no limit to what can be served in a cup. As concessionaires, fighting the rising costs of product, labor and operations, we can find profit in the cup and the beverages we sell-Drink up!
3:45 – 4:45 PM: Balancing the Thicket of Fees (Palm Room)
Moderator: Rey O'Day, NICA Executive Director
Panelists: Bary Bunts, CCE, The Apple Cart and NICA Director; Rachael Lough, CFE, Ohio State Fair; and Steven Wrobel, Fiserv / Clover
Credit Card and Convenience Fees, Processing fees, application fees, fees on top of fees, itseems endless for both the customer and the vendor. These fees leave the customer with less to spend. How do we manage these fees - Let’s share ideas to lower or eliminate fees to create a better experience for each.
4:55 PM: Fare Foods Food Show Ribbon Cutting
(Lobby & Entrance Hall) Sponsored by F&W Concessions & Fluffy's Donuts
5:00 – 9:00 PM: Fare Foods Food Show
(Entrance Hall & Ballroom) Food Show Windfall Sponsored by NICA and Fare Foods $200 Prize Drawings at 6:30, 7:30 & 8:30 PM
5:15 – 6:15 PM: DOT Safety Updates (Palm Room)
Moderator: Phil Teague, Hummel Group
Presenters: Robert Kaferle and Buddy Walls, Carrier Software
Join us for this session focusing on the important, non-negotiable, and at times overwhelming rules of the road and learn from our Department of Transportation expert for important updates on policies, best practices, and safety. This session wraps up with a focus on new drivers-what do you do with them? Learn the process for licensing, certification and safety measures needed to make your new hire successful and move your equipment safely.
9:15 – 11:00 PM: "Shining Bright!" Hospitality Suite (Palm Room) Hosted by Fare Foods • Name Badge Required
Tuesday, February 11th
Tuesday Educational Workshops Sponsored by Deli Place, Mickey's Massive Burritos, Vinnie's Fine Foods & Wells Concessions
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM: Onsite Registration (Lobby)
8:45 – 9:45 AM: Fire Extinguisher Training (Palm Room)
Limited Room Available • $10 Fee • Call (813) 438-8926 to
sign up! Sponsored by NICA Foundation & Sweet Cheeks
Presenter: George Guida, A to Z Fire
Fire extinguisher training is essential because it prepares us with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in an emergency. Vendors are a part of the front lines at an event, and by learning how to properly use a fire extinguisher, you can help contain small fires, preventing them from escalating into larger, more dangerous situations. This training will also promote safety awareness, and help reduce the risk of injury or property damage.
10:00 – 11:00 AM: New Food Trends (Palm Room)
Moderators: Audrey Poole, Fare Foods and NICA Foundation President; and Trampas Porter, Fare Foods
Panelists: Andrew Andrescavage and Charlene Walker, Lakeland Marketing; Mike Petzel, Dawn Foods; and Doug Stacker, Randolph Packing
Fairgoers are always excited to learn about the new and trendy food items for the next fair, however
we have to learn about them first. Join us for an interactive, educational opportunity to learn about
new items that may fit in your menu.
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM: Back to Basics with New Ideas – Marketing 101 (Palm Room)
Moderator: Jessica Gottsche, Social Media Coordinator
Panelists: Jenny Lang, Dutchess County Fair; Anne-Alise Pietruszka, Mellowship Entertainment and Eastern States Exposition; and Maria Zaffuto, Sweet Adventure Concessions
Our marketing strategies need to look like the communities we’re serving. All members of the Fair Industry have a shared goal of growing attendance and therefore sales. The more sensory input you use to capture Fairgoers’ attention, the more sales you will generate. Compelling signage, lighting, sound, employee interaction, and delicious smells—in the case of many of our Food Stands—are all used to help capture Fairgoers’ attention.
12:15 – 1:30 PM: Lunch Buffet at Panfilo's Grill (On Your Own)
1:45 – 2:45 PM: Is it Time for an Insurance Review? (Palm Room)
Moderator: Gigi Horowitz, CCE, Fun Time Foods and NICA
West Council
Panelists: Jacqueline Bradbury, CCE, Sweet Cheeks and NICA Director; Annie Shugart, McGowan-Allied; and Phil Teague, Hummel Group
It’s important to review your insurance policies periodically to make sure they still align with both your needs and financial situation. Are you asking, “Is catastrophic all I need?” “What does an umbrella include?” “What’s NOT covered?” We’ll ask them here. Having adequate insurance coverage is important for financial protection, but it should also be manageable and within your budget. Join the conversation to find the balance you need.
3:00 – 4:00 PM: Prioritizing Infrastructure Upgrades (Palm Room)
Moderator: Jay Wells, CCE, Wells Concessions and Incoming President
Panelists: Shari Black, CFE, Wisconsin State Fair; Dennis Fraleigh, F&W Concessions; and John Juliano, CFE,
Mellowship Entertainment
From Bathrooms to Ag Buildings, from Security to Wi-Fi, from Campgrounds to Parking Lots… in the Fair Industry there are always upgrades to do and always some that get pushed aside. What needs
to be done to improve the Guest Experience and meet the operational needs of the Temporary Vendors that visit your facility.
4:15 – 5:15 PM: Move-In / Move-Out Choices Matter (Palm Room)
Moderator: Kim Barr, CCE, Pacific Crest Concessions and Outgoing President
Panelists: Ryan Hagy, DeAnna’s Steak Sundaes; Cameron Murray, Chester’s Gators and Taters; and Jim Sinclair, CFE, Minnesota State Fair
Before a vendor leaves a fair, they are already planning their move in for the next stop. Choices that fairs make on available services for move in, what is scheduled to be on site and ready for vendors can alter or affect their plans and make or break their success. If a vendor chooses to arrive with a
full stock truck, will there be power ready and available to refrigerate it. Preferences and plans need
to be shared.
5:00 – 9:00 PM: Fare Foods Food Show
(Entrance Hall & Ballroom) Food Show Windfall Sponsored
by NICA and Fare Foods $200 Prize Drawings at 6:30, 7:30 &
8:30 PM
9:15 – 11:00 PM: "Shining Bright!" Hospitality Suite (Palm Room)
Hosted by Fare Foods • Name Badge Required
Registration is Now Open to All Attendees​
or use the form below by selecting the number of
tickets you need then click the register button. ​
Wednesday, February 12th
10:00 – 11:00 AM: "Together We Can Save!" – NICA Benefits 101 (Palm Room)
Moderators: Jay Wells, CCE, Incoming President; and Jesse Willard, Communications Manager and Benefits Committee Liaison
Presenters: Bob Phifer, Security Check Me; Phil Teague, Hummel Group; and Steven Wrobel, Fiserv / Clover
Do you need to sign up for NICA Benefits like Goodyear, Eastern Lighting, Entegra, Fiserv, NICA Health Plan, Security Check Me, and so many more? Learn from our specialists, ask questions, and launch your benefits on site to start saving money on the road.
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM: Government Relations – CARE/RIDE Act Update Hosted by OABA (Palm Room)
Presenters: Gregg Hartley and Rocky Fox, Husch Blackwell Strategies
Join OABA’s lobbying firm, Husch Blackwell Strategies, for an in-depth update on last year’s advocacy efforts and legislative progress surrounding the CARE/RIDE Act. This session will also outline the strategic priorities for 2025, providing key insights into how ongoing government relations efforts will impact the Fair Industry
12:30 – 2:00 PM: NICA Leadership Luncheon (Brandon 4)
Invitation Only • Sponsored by Pacific Crest Concessions
5:00 – 6:30 PM: NICA Annual General Membership Meeting (Cypress Room) Sponsored by Southern Oregon Food & Beverage • Door Prize: 2 Sea World Tickets
The Annual General Membership Meeting features the Board of Directors Installation, Year in Review, Membership Contest Awards, Old and New Business, and Greetings from Outgoing and Incoming Presidents.
6:30 – 7:00 PM: Cocktail Reception (Ballroom Foyer)
Sponsored by Giant Ride
7:00 – 10:00 PM: "Shining Bright!" Annual Gala Celebration (Ballroom) Sponsored by Fare Foods, Hummel Group & Mellowship Entertainment
NICA’s “Shining Bright!” Annual Gala Celebration features speaker David Grindle, IAFE President and CEO; celebrates NICA’s gratitude for our Hall of Fame Recipient; presents a lifetime achievement award; and highlights the NICA Foundation.
*Schedules subject to change;
check this page or the Whova app
for more details.

Use the QR code above to download the event app
use code: FARENICA25 ​
The Sheraton Tampa Brandon Hotel
is Now Completely Sold Out*
The Room Block reserved for the NICA Business Expo and
Fare Foods Food Show has been sold out as of 1/7/25. We are sorry for any inconvenience and we are researching other hotels in the area that may be a good fit for those who still need accommodations. If you have already reserved and are
interested in upgrading your room or have any questions,
contact Audrey Poole (618) 542-2155 or apoole@farefoods.com.
*Room availability at contract rate ended on JANUARY 2, 2025. Room availability has reverted back to normal rates.
Credit card required to reserve room.